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Z88 pages

This page is archived and no longer maintained

The general articles and the Z88-to-BBC articles and software were originally published in The Micro User in the late 1980's. The Micro User is long gone, replaced by the admirable Acorn User so I thought that, given the small amount of Z88 stuff on the 'net I ought to put the articles here, together with the software (which originally readers had to type in by hand - how times have changed) described in the articles. The articles were written for a BBC micro magazine so they tend to compare the Z88 to the BBC, but there is still a lot of generally useful information.

Another useful Z88 resource site, with support for a broader range of link software and programming utilities, is Z88 Forever.

General Z88 Articles

Z88 -> BBC Articles and software

All of the BBC micro programs are available to download in either Risc OS Spark form or in PC .zip files.

  • Z88LINK - a BBC micro to Z88 transfer program using the Z88's Import/Export utility. Basic program line numbers are translated between the different forms.
  • CONVERT - A BBC micro program to convert BASIC programs, flagging incompatibilities.
  • ARCHIVE - Archives the whole contents of the Z88 memory and allows files to be selectively restored.
  • CONVERT - Converts simple PipeDream word-processor files for use in Wordwise, Wordwise Plus and Mini Office on the BBC micro.
  • SERVER - A printer server for the BBC micro which allows the Z88 to print to a parallel printer on the BBC.

Z88-> RiscOS Articles and software

These two items of software allow files to be transferred from Acorn RiscOS computers to and from a Z88 using a suitable lead, described in the linked documentation. The software is available for download in zip file format which can be unpacked on RiscOS machines with Sparkfs, Spark or Sparkplug (which is a self extracting version - simply download, save, retype the file as Basic and double click on it).

  • Risc OS Z88Link - an easy to use desktop Z88 to Risc OS transfer programme using the Import/Export utility on the Z88.
  • Risc OS ZLink - Z88 to Risc OS transfer program using the PC Link Rom, converted from the BBC program known in the BBC section above as Z88Link.

Z88 Book

© John Allen 2014